Interactive ads drive stronger unaided recall, one of the top predictors of sales.
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Streaming TV is at a turning point as platforms make a heavy push to convert remaining linear viewers to streaming.
Streaming audience reach is expected to be about 55 million viewers in 2024, and ad spend is forecast to be an increasing $33B in 2025. There’s no turning back towards linear, but the industry continues to largely depend on the traditional linear ad format: a 30s video. As platforms push remaining viewers toward streaming and advertisers follow, how can advertisers utilize streaming to stand out and breakthrough?
To answer this question, BrightLine partnered with MediaScience to understand the independent and incremental impact of interactive streaming overlays. In this study, we compare the relative impact of a single exposure to either a standard video or interactive ad when viewed individually and, separately, when paired together. The study also compares one interactive ad exposure to two interactive ad exposures.
Study Design
August 15, 2024
Standard Video vs Interactive
A single exposure to an interactive ad leads to +36% stronger unaided brand recall than a single exposure to a standard video unit. Four-fifths of viewers were able to correctly identify the advertiser.
Incremental Impact
When paired together, the two ad formats lead to significant lifts in all three memory recall metrics, including 58% stronger unaided recall and 47% higher message recall.
Increased Frequency Impact
Two exposures of the interactive ad also increase unaided and aided recall metrics further than one alone.
Arrow indicates statistically significant lift at 95% confidence
Choose Interactive
If you’re only going to choose one streaming ad format: choose interactive. A single impression of interactive media drives more impact than a single impression of a standard video spot.
Choose Together or Choose More
When combined with standard video, the pairing adds an incremental impact and lifts memory recall even higher than either format individually. Similarly, two exposures to interactive media have an incremental impact, suggesting that the more you utilize interactive ads, the more that your brand will stay top-of-mind.